For the Type Experiment Art Festival, an event designed to encourage exploration and experimentation in font design, we created a series of promotional posters. Employing programming technologies such as Processing, we demonstrated the limitless possibilities in font design and layout. Each poster features a unique arrangement and color scheme, embodying a blend of randomness and order.
字体实验艺术节是一个鼓励探索和实验字体设计的线下活动,我们为其创作了一系列宣传海报。我们采用了 Processing 等编程技术,展示了字体设计与排版的无限可能。每张海报在版式和颜色上都各具特色,这种随机性与秩序感的冲突,共同构成了对字体实验艺术节主题的独特阐释。
Shanghai 上海
So cool! Love it!