Graphic 平面

SVA Lecture Poster


This dynamic poster was created for a presentation by an artist focusing on brand and interactive design. We utilized the P5.js programming language and dynamic algorithms to generate patterns, taking advantage of the irregular separation of circles and the resulting variations in color and density to create rich and diverse visual effects. This innovative approach to poster design perfectly complements the speaker's area of research, reinforcing the delivery of the presentation's theme. Each pattern generated is unique, offering a sense of surprise every time.

这是为一位艺术家的演讲制作的动态海报。演讲者专注于品牌与互动设计。我们运用 P5.js 编程语言和动态算法来生成图案,利用圆形的不规则分离及其产生的颜色和密度差异,营造出丰富多变的视觉效果。这种创新的海报设计形式与演讲者的研究领域完美契合,强化了演讲主题的传达,每次生成的图案都独一无二,充满惊喜。

Comments 评论

Shanghai 上海
So cool! Love it!
London 伦敦
Pure genius!
Singapore 新加坡
Fantastic work!
New York 纽约