EVM, a cultural institution founded by the renowned curator Elise Van Middelem, now has an visual identity system designed by us. We chose a serif font that breathes humanism, employing only lowercase letters to imbue the brand with a unique aesthetic appeal. The emphasis on the initial letters not only highlights the abbreviation of the name but also creates a distinctive visual rhythm. The entire visual system is elegant and refined, fostering an emotional connection with visitors.
EVM 是由著名策展人 Elise Van Middelem 创办的文化机构。我们为 EVM 设计了视觉识别方案。我们选用了极具人文主义气息的衬线字体,全部采用小写形式,赋予品牌独特的审美气息。对首字母的强调既点明了名称的缩写,也创造了独特的视觉节奏。整个视觉系统优雅细腻,拉近了与参观者的情感连接。
Shanghai 上海
So cool! Love it!