Booty Game is an online strategic game that combines logic, chance, and psychological tactics in the Web3 space. We created a clear, vibrant and engaging game interface. The layout design not only captured the complex game mechanics but also made it easy for players to understand, engage with, and navigate. We also designed the Booty Game mascot—a playful character inspired by a pirate-themed treasure chest.
Booty Game 是一款结合了逻辑、运气和心理战术的在线在 Web3 策略游戏。我们设计了一个清晰、生动、引人入胜的游戏界面。布局设计不仅满足了复杂的游戏机制,还让玩家易于理解与参与。我们还设计了 Booty Game 吉祥物——一个可爱的海盗主题百宝箱。
Shanghai 上海
So cool! Love it!